Club News

Curry and Skittle Night

 27-Feb-2024  Helen Suter

A date for your diary if you'd like a fun evening of skittles. 

Friday 15th March at 7.00pm we are holding an evening of skittles and a hot meal.

Food will include a curry or vegetable curry and rice or, if pre-ordered, cottage pie. Please ring Ian (07736409098) if you want to order the cottage pie option.

Cost is £7.50 per person for the evening. The bar will be open. If you want to join us please add your name(s) on the website (under fixtures list), on the list in the pavilion or by email to Ian Stutt -

Make an evening of it as friends and family are welcome. 


Fun Quiz and Cake afternoon

 21-Jan-2024  Helen Suter

Don't have much to do on a dull, dreary February afternoon.  Come and join in the fun at a Quiz and Cake event.  This will take please on Thursday 15th February at the Newick Bowls Clubhouse.  It will start at 2pm and the cost is £5 per person to include the quiz, prizes, tea and cake.  Please sign up at the Clubhouse.

If you have any special dietary requirements please let Ian Scutt know by Monday 12th February by contacting Ian on  07736409098 

Christmas Luncheon

 14-Nov-2023  Helen Suter

If you would like to join us for a Christmas Luncheon at WEALDON BOWLS CLUB here are the details:

Date: Friday 15th December

Time: 1.00 for 1.30pm

Food: Roast turkey with honey roast ham and all the trimmings or Nut roast with all the trimmings

Christmas pudding with brandy cream or Profiteroles with chocolate sauce

Followed by Cheese and biscuits and coffee.

Price £25 per person

Ian has put a list up at the clubhouse so please sign up at your earliest convenience.

If you have any special dietary requirements please let Ian know in advance.

Bowling and Chilli evening a great sucess

 11-Oct-2023  Ian Scutt/Ann Roberts

On the 6th October the skittles alley was retrieved from the equipment shed at Newick Bowls Club where it had languished for four years and become damp and mouldy. A team of helpers from the club, mostly willingly (but suspect some gently press ganged!) spent the morning cleaning it and installing it in the clubhouse. Thank you to Des, Dave, Ian and Phil.

Playing styles varied from take careful aim, to gung-ho brute force (a style much favoured by the men). Several rounds were played to much cheering, (and some jeering!), and then it was time to eat the delicious chilli , cottage pie or vegetable samosas. The bar was busy too. 

The winner was Anne ( see photo for her winning action )  with a little help from Des! Well done to all those who took part.

A successful and enjoyable evening, played in a good atmosphere and thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Put the return match in your diary - Friday 15th March at 7pm.



Club Social Evenings coming up

 11-Oct-2023  Helen Suter

After the success of the Skittles and Chilli evening on Friday 6th October, if you would like to join in with any of the forthcoming social events please sign up.  There is a list at the clubhouse.

The next event is the Bingo and Scones.  Please note the change of date. It is now on Thursday 9th November at 2pm.


Annual Presentation Dinner

 23-Sep-2023  Helen Suter

The Annual Presentation Dinner for Newick Bowls Club will be held at Wealden on Thursday 26th October ,  7pm for 7.30pm. Last year's event was really well attended so lets get as many members as possible along (partners welcome).

The Menu choices for the evening are;


Steak,Guiness and mushroom pie, shortcrust pastry and vegetables or Chicken breast, creamy mushroom sauce, sautéed potatoes and green beens or Smoked haddock, potato and corn chowder with crusty bread or Vegetable lasagne, with garlic bread and salad.


Apple pie with custard or Biscoff cheese cake with vanilla ice cream. Tea and coffee to finish.

The cost will be  £20 per head. Monies can be paid on-line or by cheque either sent to Den or put in the Jack Box in the Pavilion.

The caterers have to know menu choices by 17th October at the very latest so please let Den know by Sunday 15th October if you would like to attend.

You can add your name to a list on the notice board in the Pavilion or alternatively members can email their choices direct to Den. Den will be sending out an e-mail to all members with this information too.  

Final Roll-up of the Season

 18-Sep-2023  Helen Suter

This morning was the final roll-up of the season for Newick Bowls Club and rain did not stop play, with six members braving the weather.  Well done.


Burgers, bangers, bowling and bunny ears!

 17-Sep-2023  Helen Suter

The Thursday night burgers , bangers and bowling event has now finished having been extended by three weeks due to popular demand from the members . Organised by club member Ian Scutt, each week there was fun bowling, casual  dress followed by different food every week and, of course, a drink or two to finish the evening . There was no weekly or overall winner . The winners were all those that took part and of course our club . Thanks go to Des , Dave , Cheryl and Alan for all their help and also all those that supported this new event . Hopefully it will make it into next years fixtures list.




Bangers, Burgers and Bowling

 10-Jul-2023  Helen Suter

Thursday nights in August are going to be hot, hot, hot for Newick Bowls Club. There will be a fun evening of bowling from 6pm, Aussie Pairs, 14 ends.

Ian Scutt, our catering manager, is going to provide you with some delicious food on the following dates:

3rd and 17th August will be Bangers (Hot dogs) and Bowling

10th and 24th August will be Burgers and Bowling.

Cost will be £5 per head (to include food).  The bar will be open and dress will be casual.  Come along and enjoy the summer evenings.

There will be a form to sign up which will be on the Club Events Board in the Pavillion shortly so please look out for it.  If anyone has any special dietary requirements please let Ian know in advance, 07736409098.

Centenary Shield

 30-Jun-2023  Helen Suter

The sun shone on Saturday 24 June as Newick went to West Hoathly to fight for the Centenary Shield. With six rinks it was a tight fought battle but Newick were victorious by winning 100-97. Brian Kneebone, our Captain, was presented with the shield which is now displayed in the clubhouse. Well done to all those who took part.

Our President's birthday bash

 23-Jun-2023  Helen Suter

The Club's President and long-time member Den Coldman belatedly celebrated his 90th birthday on Saturday 17th June with a club tournament followed by a Strawberry Afternoon Tea and Prosecco.

The sun shone and members played 4 triples with a win overall for the Blue Team. The captains, Brian Kneebone and Rosemary Reed did a great job.

Additionally a huge amount of social members and other friends of Den's joined the celebration which was an emotional occasion. Den has been at the club for 27 years and held many offices during that time.

Mandy Moore did an excellent speech to which Den responded. He was presented with an engraved whisky decanter and glasses and two very special bottles of his favourite single malts. A 12 year old Glenfiddich and a bottle of Singleton (his love affair with this whisky has lasted many years!!). 

More photos will appear on the website gallery shortly.

We need you!

 18-Jun-2023  Helen Suter

A plea on behalf of our team captains - can anyone play next weekend in the following matches:

Friday 23rd June   2pm  Home Mixed team. Against Sussex Vice Patrons

Saturday 24 June  2pm Away Mixed team.  Against West Hoathly in the Centenary Shield.

Sunday 25 June    2pm Home Mixed team. Against Rotherfield.

Please sign up on the website as soon as possible. Thanks so much.

Dates for your diary

 20-May-2023  Helen Suter

Bowling is well and truly underway now and, with the improvement in the weather, the green is looking magnificent.


This is a fun day, open to all.  Members can come along and enjoy themselves and feel free to bring any family members or friends who might like to have a go too. This is also your chance to try something new if you are struggling - maybe a different size wood. Spread the word so we can make this a success. Dress is informal and there will be refreshments including Ian's delicious cakes available too. If you have any special food requirements please speak to Ian in advance on 07736 409098. And, of course, the bar will be open all day.

There will also be a book sale - the books have been sorted (old ones gone to charity shop) and there are lots of new titles so come and have a browse. If you have any books you can donate please bring along them anytime.

So one and all come along, enjoy some fun bowling, eat, drink, laugh and have fun.

SATURDAY 17TH JUNE Dens birthday bash

Sign up to come along and do some social bowling starting at 2pm followed by a strawberry tea and Prosecco (other drinks are available). Cost is £3.00. Members can bowl, just come and watch or just join us for tea and celebrate our President's 90th birthday where we can raise a glass. Again if you have any special dietary requirements please speak to Ian in advance on 07736 409098.


Opening Drive

 15-Apr-2023  Helen Suter

Because Den has Covid the Big Birthday Bash for our President has had to be postponed. The Opening Drive on Saturday 22nd April will now revert to the normal format, starting PROMPTLY at 2pm at £3.00 per player. The sun is set to shine and lots of you have already signed up. Remember, it's casual clothes and not bowls kit!

The format will be:

Spider to kick things off

2 games

Tea and cake mid way through

Further 2 games

The planned sit down meal and celebration for Den's 90th birthday will be rescheduled for a few weeks time. We'll keep you posted.

Wifi We had hoped to have wifi in the clubhouse by 18th April but this too has had to be put back a few weeks because of installation difficulties. The monitor is up on the wall, however, so we're half-way there. The moment we have a new installation date I'll let you know.

New website goes live!

 26-Feb-2023  Helen Suter

Hi All,

Welcome to the first edition of Club News on your brand new, state-of-the art website. With the start of a new season fast approaching, I hope you’ll visit the website regularly to check out what is going on in the club from bowling fixtures, social events, coffee mornings, our opening drive (and President’s birthday bash) on 22 April and other news.

As members yourselves, if there is anything you want me to share on this page that you want members to know come to me or Cheryll Gilders and we’ll make sure it gets mentioned. It can be related to bowling or something more personal like a significant birthday or other celebration. Some photos to accompany your news would be great.

Jan and Howard Ainsley held a fun quiz afternoon with cream tea on the 15 March at the pavilion. It was very well attended with four teams in stiff competition. It was very close with the top three teams each one point apart.  The winning team, called Boomers, consisted of Brian and Pauline Hodge, Chris and Sarnia Armitage and Les and Mel Thew. Well done to them!